Hong Kong Connected & Autonomous Vehicle (CAV) Development Study

March 22, 2024

Hong Kong Connected & Autonomous Vehicle (CAV) Development Study


The main purpose of the study is to focus on an overview of what’s available in the ecosystem, where opportunities lie, what challenges are stakeholders facing, what can be done to facilitate more technology adoption and HK companies’ penetration into the CAV development in HK and the GBA.

Successful Case 1: Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute

Facts & Figures

Kickstarted V2X technology research

since 2015

Conducted one of the world’s

Largest C-V2X public road test

in Hong Kong in 2021

Developed Hong Kong’s

First Autonomous Minibus (AiBus)

and autonomous shuttle bus that connects the Hong Kong Science Park and the University MTR station


Hong Kong can leverage the abundant resources and capabilities of the GBA to propel R&D and commercialisation of C-V2X applications in the city, establishing a robust foundation for the advancement of our smart city initiatives

Former Head of Innovative Technology and CEO’s Advisor of ASTRI
Lawrence Poon


  • Leading the Way at Applied Technological Research
  • Leveraging the GBA to Advance C-V2X Infrastructure & R&D
  • Unlocking Potential for Funding & Commercialisation

Successful Case 2: Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK)

Facts & Figures

First airport in the world to apply

Autonomous Electric Tractor (AET)

in live operations and in large scale; 41 AETs have been introduced


8 Autonomous Patrol Car (APC)

 to enhance security along the borders of the airport’s restricted area


3 Autonomous Shuttle Buses


Early engagement with key stakeholders including the governmental authorities and regulators as well as business partners is important to ensure transparency and alignment of understanding

Chief Information Officer of Airport Authority Hong Kong
Ms. Lily Lai


  • A Growth Engine for Hong Kong's Aviation
  • HKIA as an International Testbed for Revolutionising Airport Operations
  • Pioneering the "Airport City" Vision with Public and Private Support

Successful Case 3: The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)

Facts & Figures


40+ Professors 

specialising in diverse robotics fields, including autonomous driving



Research Centres in Shenzhen and 


Research Centres in Guangzhou


One of Hong Kong's strengths lies in its commitment to provide an exceptional learning environment for students. At HKUST, we encourage students to engage in CAV competitions where they can learn beyond classrooms, acquire hands-on field knowledge from their peers across universities and regions

Chair Professor of Electronic & Computer Engineering and Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, and Director of the HKUST Cheng Kar-Shun Robotics Institute, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Fellow
Prof. ZHANG Fumin


  • Where Knowledge Meets Discovery

  • Nurturing Future Innovators through Experiential Learning

Successful Case 4: A Global Leading Technology Player

Facts & Figures

A global network of


technology startups under the company’s startup incubation programme



Hong Kong startups within the programme which focus on computer vision for smart mobility, robotics, and language modelling


Thanks to advancement in GPU and other digital twin technologies, AV testing can now be done through virtual simulation that allows driving in Hong Kong's virtual replica with high-fidelity visualisation of driving scenarios, significantly reducing the risk and cost before physical testing."

Senior management executive at the company 


  • One of the Best Industry Labs for AI Research

  • Addressing Hong Kong's Testing Ground Shortage through Virtual Testing

  • Driving Talent and Funding Development through Virtual Incubation


Research Translation & Collaboration

  • Talent Cultivation

  • Research Translation & Collaboration

  • Testing & Validation
  • Policy Advocacy

Midstream Automakers, Service Providers and Incubators

• Infrastructure Preparation
• Manufacturing Adaptation
• Service Innovation
• Industry Incubation

Downstream Distributors and Users

  • Fleet Integration
  • Workforce Transition
  • Public Education
  • Feedback & Improvement


Funding Organisation


Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Innovation and Technology Commission or the Vetting Committee of the General Support Programme of the Innovation and Technology Fund.